Web page: www.fsev.tnuni.sk
Economic Policy of European Union , 6 ECTS, winter
Employment Relations, 5 ECTS, winter
English Lanuage for Pesonalists I., 2 ECTS, winter
English Language III., 3 ECTS, winter
Financial Management, 5 ECTS, winter
Human Resources Management, 6 ECTS, winter
International Labor Market and Employment Policy in English Language , 5 ECTS, winter
Macroeconomics, 5 ECTS, winter
Management, 6 ECTS, winter
Managerial Competences and Skills in English Language, 4ECTS, winter
Marketing, 5 ECS, winter
Organizational Behavior, 5 ECTS, winter
Public Relations, 5 ECTS, winter
Social and Economic Development Strategy, 2 ECTS, winter
English Language for personalists II, 2 ECTS, summer
English Language IV., 3 ECTS, summer
EU Economy and Politics in English Language, 4 ECTS, summer
Human Resources Management II, 6 ECTS, summer
International Economics, 3 ECTS, summer
International Marketing in English Language, 3 ECTS, summer
Management and Career Development, 5 ECTS, summer
Marketing in Engli Language, 3 ECTS, summer
Microeconomics, 5 ECTS, summer
Organization Culture, 5 ECTS, summer
Personnel Marketing, 3 ECTS, summer
Project Management + project, 5 ECTS, summer
Strategic Management in English Language, 4 ECTS, summer
Web page: www.fst.tnuni.sk
Introduction to the Numerical Modeling in MATLAB I., 6 ECTS, winter
Diagnostics of Machines I., 5 ECTS, winter
Testing of Technical Materials, 6 ECTS, winter
CNC Programming, 6 ECTS, winter
Technology of Material Processing I., 6 ECTS, winter
Computer Aided Design in CATIA I., 6 ECTS, winter
Fundamentals of Numerical Mathematics and Statistics, 4 ECTS, winter
Seminar Work, 4 ECTS, winter
Designing and Construction of Weapons, 5 ECTS, winter
Weapon Systems, 5 ECTS, winter
CAE Systems in Production Process I., 6 ECTS, summer
Computer Aided Design in CATIA II., 6 ECTS, summer
Technology of Material Processing II., 6 ECTS, summer
Applied Informatics, 4 ECTS, summer
Final Project, 6 ECTS, summer
Barrel Weapons, 5 ECTS, summer
Technical Cybernetics, 4 ECTS, summer
Web page: www.fpt.tnuni.sk
Selected Chapters in Mathematics I, 5 ECTS, winter
Material Science I, 6 ECTS, winter
Material Science II, 5 ECTS, winter
Selected Chapters from Physics II, 6 ECTS, winter
Selected Chapters from the Mechanics of Bodies I, 5 ECTS, winter
Applied Chemistry, 6 ECTS, winter
Physical Chemistry of Materials, 5 ECTS, winter
Environmental Engineering, 3 ECTS, winter
Technical Materials, 4 ECTS, winter
Computational Modeling in Materials Engineering I, 5 ECTS, winter
Microscopic Methods of Structure Evaluation, 4 ECTS, winter
Polymeric Materials, 7 ECTS, winter
Toxicology and High-risk Characteristics of Materials, 4 ECTS, winter
Ceramic Materials, 6 ECTS, winter
Rubber Technology, 4 ECTS, winter
Selected Chapters in Mathematics II, 5 ECTS, summer
Technology of Material Processing I, 5 ECTS, summer
Technology of Material Processing II, 4 ECTS, summer
Selected Chapters from Physics I, 5 ECTS, summer
Selected Chapters from the Mechanics of Bodies II, 5 ECTS, summer
Technical Mineralogy and Crystallography, 5 ETS, summer
Waste Engineering, 5 ECTS, summer
Computational Modeling in Materials Engineering II, 5 ECTS, summer
Advanced Composite Materials, 4 ECTS, summer
Polymeric Material Analysis, 6 ECTS, summer
Energetics and Environment, 5 ECTS, summer
Organic Chemistry of Materials, 6 ECTS, summer
Web page: www.politologia.tnuni.sk
Comparative Politics I, 6 ECTS, winter
Information Society, 6 ECTS, winter
International Political Relations, 6 ECTS, winter
Introduction to Diplomacy and Diplomatic Protocol, 3 ECTS, winter
Introduction to European Policy, 6 ECTS, winter
Introduction to Political Science Theory, 6 ECTS, winter
Methodology of Research in Political Science, 6 ECTS. winter
Modern Political Ideologies, 6 ECTS, winter
Political Parties and Elections, 6 ECTS, winter
Political Culture, 6 ECTS, winter
Political_Geography, 3 ECTS, winter
US Politics, 3 ECTS, winter
Web page: www.fz.tnuni.sk
Physiotherapy (Bachelor)
Physiotherapy (Master)
Laboratory Medicine (Bachelor)
Nursing (Bachelor)
Nursing (Master)
Public Health (Bachelor)