University Student Center | Gladiators Trenčín |
It offers space for activities oriented to student mobility, informal lectures of interesting motivational speakers, successful graduates, young entrepreneurs, student companies and start-up companies. | The aim of the team is to offer our students the opportunity to link university education with sporting activities and to become part of the EUHL (European Univesity Hockey League). The door for new players ia always open. |

Radio TrenchTown | University folklore ensemble Družba |
Members of the radio are students who, by their radio work, develop their personal and professional growth assumptions. provide sessions moderation, technical broadcasts and music dramaturgy. | Our folklore ensemble is an academic ensemble that brings together the interests of various forms of folk culture. The ensemble supports the active use of student´s free time in folklore, especially music, dancing and singing. |

University Pastoral Center | University Observatory |
Our UPC is a community of people aiming at the spiritual care of university students and meeting young people looking for their relationship to God, to the people and to yourself. | The Observatory offers night sky observation, popular lectures, discussions with experts on topics from various fields of science and technology, travel´s lectures and club activities. |
