The credit system of study, also known as ECTS, uses credits accumulation and transfer. Enables through credits evaluate the student burdens related to completing units of study program in accordance with the rules contained in the program of study.
Counting credits:
One ADUT credit is equal to 1 ECTS credit. Credit assessment of the subject expresses the proportion of student work necessary for its successful handling. This refers to different types of learning activities: theoretical, practical, research, field surveys, personal work, as well as examinations and other assessment forms.
Credits are numerical values assigned to units of the study program, expressing quantity of work required for their completion. The standard student load for the entire academic year is represented by 60 credits, 30 credits per semester.
Credit calculation:
The number of credits is calculated as the sum of the number courses per week + 1 (if course ends with eximination) or + 0 (if course ends without examination). Than it needs to add + 0 (not need over the course extra activity ) + 1 (need standar over the course activity) + 2 (need above standard course extra activity).
Academic degree system:
ECTS Gradind Scale consits from six ECTS grades :
GRADE % of successful Definition
students normally
achieving the
A – EXCELLENT 10 - outstanding performance with only minor errors
B - VERY GOOD 25 - above the average standard but with some errors
C - GOOD 30 - generally sound work with a number of notable errors
D – SATISFACTORY 25 - fair but with significant shortcomings
E - SUFFICIENT 10 - performance meets the minimum criteria
FX – FAIL 0 - some more work required before the credit can be awarded